Simple Pleasures

Joining a meat-share is a wonderfully tasty and healthy way to consume meats.  It's a commitment to buying a variety of fresh from a local farm, drug-free, meats (I get an assortment of lamb pork beef and chicken).  I've actually learnt that meats, like vegetables, are seasonal! The farm I get my meat-share from is a small family farm, certified organic, cows/lambs grass-fed, chickens and pigs pasture-raised. It's a beautiful friendly thing: supporting small-scale farmer and small-scale licensed abattoir.


Subscribing to a delivery service like Front Door Organics is the easiest way to keep up a healthy eating lifestyle; and a way to support the environment by making a commitment to eat local.  Regardless of how busy our lives get we can count on a biweekly infusion of nutrient rich foods into our home.  I think it's better to focus on what to eat rather than what not to eat and this is a fool proof way to do it.  Our diet goal: eat all the organic fruits and vegetables. We get the basic fresh box and eat whatever is in the box for that week - no substitions (but of course that option is available for those less daring). It's a way to be adventurous with foods by having a system set in place to try new things, and a means to commit to an environmentally and personally healthy lifestyle!  (When I lived in London Ontario I subscribed to Express Organics.)


Tangled Garden - jellies

Finding these jellies was absolute magic.  A paralleled edible luxury I have yet to find.  This is my gift, my knowledge of its existence, that I wish to share with you. The Tangled Garden jellies are divine and yet so lovely and honest and perfect.  I eat the tiniest smear with cream cheese on a bagel or cracker or anything that inspires me.  It's a a moment of edible luxury for me.  The flavours so full and rich and yet quiet. I can't explain it.  Magic. Or perhaps more like a really good secret.  You can check out the website and recommendations for use, including flavouring oils, vinegars, or as the secret ingredient for marinades.
I tasted a lot of them at the One Of A Kind Show and chose a lovely 3 herbed jelly wooden crate set of hot jellies; savouring the second jar right now. And yes, they are to be savoured :-) They make such a beautiful gift too.

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